Quick links to available forms:
PACE stands for "Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly." PACE is a comprehensive, coordinated health care program sponsored by Medicare, Medicaid and private funds. PACE provides medically-necessary care and services for chronically-ill adults who choose to remain living in their community rather than a nursing home.
When an individual enrolls in PACE, an interdisciplinary team of medical and support service experts develops and implements a customized plan of care designed specifically for that person. It includes the team's recommendations on areas such as primary care needs; recreational therapy; nutrition; medicines; medical equipment; dentures; hearing aids — everything the team determines is necessary for that individual's care and well-being.
We serve the following counties within South Carolina:
To be eligible, an individual must be 55 or older; certified by the State of South Carolina to need nursing home level of care; be a resident of Orangeburg, Bamberg, or Calhoun counties; and be able to live safely in the community, with the support of Orangeburg Senior Helping Center services, at the time of enrollment.
To participate in this program, the person must sign an Enrollment Agreement with PACE. Upon enrollment, the participant agrees to receive all health care services through PACE.
If you are eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, all services are covered at no additional cost. For individual who do not have Medicaid, there may be costs associated with this program. If a person does not qualify for Medicaid, he or she is responsible for the portion of the monthly premium Medicaid would pay. PACE staff can help determine a person's Medicaid eligibility. Those without Medicare or Medicaid may enroll as a private pay participant and pay monthly premium.
Additionally, all participants must receive all needed healthcare, including primary care and specialist physician services (other than emergency services) from the PACE organization or from an entity authorized by the PACE organization. PACE participants may also be fully and personably liable for the costs of unauthorized or out-of-PACE program agreement services.
You are free to disenroll from PACE and resume your benefits in traditional Medicare and Medicaid programs at any time. However, disenrollment must officially take place at the end of the month.
A grievance is a complaint, either written or oral, expressing dissatisfaction with the services or the quality of your care provided by the Orangeburg Senior Helping Center. You may file a grievance with any PACE staff member at any time. Grievances can be filed in person, fax, mail, or telephone. To file a grievance by telephone or for status updates and process questions regarding a filed grievance, please contact our Quality Improvement Coordinator at 803-535-6513 TTY: 1-877-243-2823 . Other options include:
In person or by Mail:
Orangeburg Senior Helping Center
Attention: Quality Improvement Coordinator
153 Founders Court
Orangeburg, SC 29118
Or by Fax: (803) 268-5302
Link to: Grievance Form - We Are Listening!
To ask questions or get a status update participants, family members, and/or representatives can contact us at 803-535-6513 TTY: 1-877-243-2823.
Copyright © 2022 Orangeburg Senior Helping Center A PACE Program
Last Updated 09/22/2022
Approved by CMS
Material ID H0105-W08
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